My BlogUpdates, Adventures + Ramblings |
My BlogUpdates, Adventures + Ramblings |
In closing If you're one of the many who checks this page regularly, thank you! You're amazing. If you're reading this right now, thank you. I'd love to hug you. I hope you have a wonderful day. Thank you (again) for checking in to see what's new. As I upload new content and update pages, I will make posts here and say what's been updated. I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving and a very Merry Christmas. With love, -Lady greetings friends! First off, I want to say that FOUR NEW photoshoots have been added to the Prom page. Click here to check out these four NEW photoshoots. (Link will open in a new window.) As I said in my previous post, I wanted to get back to updating the website. I have SO much content that needs to be added. So every day, I am taking one page and adding content to it. I recently went through my entire website and wrote down every thing that needed to be added. The Prom page was the first to be updated. Other pages are soon to follow. So hopefully soon, there will be tons of new content for you to see. job update I also shared previously about how my part time job was becoming a burden to me. That's usually a sign it's time to leave. After much prayer and consideration, I did put in my 2 weeks notice. And as of June, I was full time with my business. However, I still needed a part time job to help pay my bills. Around the time I had resigned, I was at a Graduation party for one of my clients/friends. I was speaking with the Father (of the Client) when he told me about DoorDash. Sure, I heard about it. But is it really that great? I decided to pursue it, at least to get me by. And four months later, I'm still doing it and I LOVE IT! It's perfect for me because of the flexibility. I can go out of town at any time I need too. I can schedule photoshoots or be booked for weddings at any time and my job will not get in the way. I can also take time off for my family and other Clients when they need me. Which brings me to my next point.... NEW EXTENSION OF LM SERVICES? I mentioned in my last post to stay tuned for some news. I'm sorry for the wait, but here's the expansion.. Or, "New Service"... Pet/house sitting! I've honestly been house sitting (or really, "pet sitting") for 5 years now. Word of mouth traveled about me to different people needing someone to look after their pets. Before I knew it, I had built a list of clientele. I'm very blessed and happy these people have used me and some on a regular basis. I thought it would be interesting to open it up to other people. Perhaps people who book me for photshoots or weddings would also want me to look after their dog or cat?
I have been abundantly booked this year already leading into 2023. But there are openings for 2023. I will post this service and details about it, along with pricing on the "Services" page. But until then, I'll just leave this here for any inquiring minds.
LadymusiccThey call me "Lady", my name's Corinne |