My most popular Services
Wedding photography
So many memories! Click here to view all the beautiful weddings and people I had the privilege to serve. |
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I've been making graphics since October of 2005. (almost 20 years)
Because I was home-schooled, I had the privilege of teaching myself. It took a few years to feel confident in my craft, but finally it felt like second nature. Being able to create graphics for customers at the age of 16, definitely helped my development. Graphic design has become something that is a part of my every day life. At 13 years old, I never would have thought this would be the case. As a woman in her 30s, it's amazing to see how a hobby, or something of interest, can become such a staple in your life. |
EST. 2005 |
7,000+ |
200+ customers |
My obsession and love for music began at birth. Stories have been told of me as a toddler, sitting in the car seat, humming to songs on the radio. At 9 years old, the desire to write songs began to fill my mind. By 14, I was writing all the time. At 16 I was trying to figure out how I could create my own music, but every door seemed to be shut. 15 years later, I realize that door is no longer shut. There is opportunities now that wasn't around when I was a teenager.
My suppressed desire to create music no longer had to lie dead. It was time to wake up and create. It's been a crawling start, trying to juggle a busy, adult schedule and make time for something that's simply a desire. But it has been rewarding. To finally bring something into existence that seemed to only be a thought, has been such a fulfilling feeling. |
Thank you for visiting Ladymusicc.comI hope I get the opportunity to work with you,
& help bring your vision to life. |
Ladymusicc.com -
Est. April 6th, 2011 |
I love what I do.
And I plan to never stop. |
Every project is unique.
Just like the people I work for. |