My BlogUpdates, Adventures + Ramblings |
My BlogUpdates, Adventures + Ramblings |
That's all I can think to name this entry as I start to type. There's been so many things I've wanted to get done, or get to and haven't had a chance to do because I had so many other things to do. But FINALLY, I got a break and have been able to get things done. One of those things being.... services page I've wanted to show my full list of services I offer. Along with different packages to choose from, what comes with those packages and how much those packages cost. And FINALLY! I am happy to report that it's all officially up! I still have to post the Bundle packages, but that won't take long. graphic design services Due to so many people requesting of my Graphic Design services, I decided to add this "service" to the site. I wanted to give this as another option for people to choose from. A few years ago, when I was thinking of putting myself out there and really begin advertising myself and my services, I assumed I'd put the job title "Photographer, Videographer, Graphic & Website Designer". Now I know, it's a mouthful. Could you imagine that on a business card? I could. But, that's my job to be able too. However, I knew that was too much to advertise. So I decided what was most important to me was to be known as a "Photographer and Videographer". So those two services were going to be the only ones I listed. And yet, here I am planning on adding a third service. Which is Graphic Design. Whether or not that makes it onto my business cards is still questionable. But, as of right now,.... I will be adding Graphic Design packages and prices, very soon. Website Design is something I'm still doing as well for Clients. Only a few select Clients. I'd rather keep it this way for a while. But if word gets out more, or if people are interested in me creating them websites, then Website Designer may make it onto my job title as well. But until then, I'm leaving that one as a "hush hush" service. ;) New music video "wild angels" One last thing before I end this blog entry at 3:20 AM.
I am in the works of filming a new music video to Martina McBride's song "Wild Angels". I will explain more on this matter later. Why I'm doing and what it's for, all that jazz. But the thing I'd like to highlight about this project, is that I will be recording myself singing to it. Not just filming myself. But I will also record myself singing it and make a music video to it as well. I must say, I'm terribly excited about this particular project. It's the most excited I've been about a music video since "Into the Blue". I am however nervous about people hearing me sing. How I'll sound, what they'll think, all the usual crap. But regardless how I FEEL, I am moving forward with this. And I am VERY excited. I cannot wait to share it with you. More details on that are on the way. So just sit tight... Thank you for checking in. You're such a lovely person. Have a great week! LM
I am SO pleased to announce that a NEW music video has been added in "Personal Projects". So if you wanna head over there and watch my music video "Kanye" then please do!! And if you already have, then thank you!
The last music video I had made was "Into the Blue". It was something I thought of and envisioned for several months. And when I finally began to execute my plans, the music video took 6 months to make. That's preparation, filming and editing. And 6 months later, boom. Music Video. It was so satisfying when it was finally finished. But here I am, a year and a half later, and I have not made ANY new music videos. I was beginning to get antsy. So it's Memorial Day weekend, and I made plans to spend the night with my brother. I told him that I was going to film us doing different things and that I was going to turn it into a music video. Just so I could make one. Unscripted. Not much thought went behind it. I just knew I wanted to use the song "Kanye". So this was literally just me documenting our time together, throwing it together with music, adding some effects, and viola! We would be walking down the street and I would see a wall or a loading dock and say "hey, let's film here. Let's do this. Look at me. Be still." It was a lot of fun. We were constantly laughing. And I hope our fun time shows in the video. I also made another video called "Kanye - Behind the music". Kind of like a behind the scenes video. But it's behind the music. What the music video would be like if there was no music. So it's literally about what's "behind the music". I'll try to post that soon. I plan to make a third video, that's kind of like a music video. But it's going to show all the footage I took of us driving down the road. I'm going to use music of some sort. (Not Kanye. Because I want this to be a stand alone video) But I plan to make that and share it soon. I also updated the logo for my videos. Instead of saying "Ladymusicc Productions", it says "Video Created By Ladymusicc." Then says underneath "". I threw in a cool moving background. You'll see it at the end of the "Kanye" video and future videos. In the mean time, I'm going to:
I am about to start a new part time job. This will allow me to make some money for my business. I'd like to buy another camera. Mine is older and has it's hiccups. If I were to photograph a wedding, that would be unacceptable. So I really need some new equipment. And I'd like some filters and effects for future videos that I make. I'm excited for the opportunity to make money that I can put into my business. I hate that I'm losing time to work on projects. But we don't have internet anyways. And honestly, I don't know when we will. Work on my website is like traffic in Atlanta at 5:30. It goes and stops. I do a little work here and there. But for the most part, progress is at a stand still. So this is really the perfect time to have a job. I will continue to work on projects after work. And I will update the site as much as possible. But in the meantime, I'm going to work. Which sounds so weird for me. I haven't had a job in almost 10 years. So it's exciting. But terrifying. I will post here when I have something new to say. That is all for now. Thank you so much for reading. -LM |
LadymusiccThey call me "Lady", my name's Corinne |