My BlogUpdates, Adventures + Ramblings |
My BlogUpdates, Adventures + Ramblings |
I love that title. I LOVE saying that changes are actually being made to the site. I love that there's been some new content added to the site. And I love saying that some pages have been updated. Because it was needed! Let's talk about these updates... shall we? (spoken like Mike Wazowski from Monsters Inc.) what's been added? what's new! I'm currently without a job. I purposely took time off to rest, have a stay-at-home "vacation", and catch up on work. So I've been trying to update pages with content that has been long overdue. Here's the pages that have been updated.... THE VIDEOS PAGE IS FINALLY UP!!!!!! I've had so many videos that I made for Clients, just sitting in my computer. And they are finally ALL added. I'd love it if you visited the Videos for Clientele section. Just click below. Photography.... So,... I had no idea the links in Photoshoots section did not work. That is a HUGE disappointment. Well that is finished. You can go to the Photography for Clientele section and start browsing the Photoshoots. Also, new photoshoots are going to be added to that as well very soon. Some graphics will be added to the Clientele section too. But that's still to come... Let's talk about the updates I've made. updates made in personal projects Recently I was showing some of my old videos to my friends. I of course, used my phone to show it to them. And while browsing on my site, I realized the set up I have on my "videos" section is 1) needing updates, but 2) isn't functioning very well. I was using an app to showcase my videos. It has some thumbnails of my videos below. You click it and BOOM! It shows up in a window above. Super cool. BUT!... I had to use 2 other websites just to showcase my own videos on my own website. O_O I had to upload to a provider (like youtube or vimeo) and then copy the link of the video into the other website. And copy the entire code from there and embed it on my website somewhere. A lot of work that is not necessary. Doing it that way is also a longer process and takes up more of my time. So what did you do? Thanks for asking. I deleted the entire thing. I don't use Vimeo anymore. I stopped using it a long time ago. I have HD video right here on my website. So after deleting the app I was using, I went back and re-added the videos to my website. But it's embedded directly into my site now. So instead of going to this site, and that site to showcase it here. I just drag and drop the HD video box, upload my video on here and voila! It's a lot less steps and it functions a lot better. And I've also taken the liberty of adding some new ones as well. So there might be some videos there that wasn't there before. ;) You can head over to my personal projects center and start watching videos. Please note, some of the pages are still under construction. This is a process. thank you so much for reading all of this I try to keep my website updated because 1) It showcases my work and what I'm doing and have done. And I want to keep it up to date. But 2) I want it to function and look good for everyone who visits.
I want it to be an enjoyable experience. No matter what area it is you're looking at. Until next time, -LM
recap between my last post and this post.... Since my last post, (LAST YEAR) a LOT has happened...
However, Since the beginning of 2019,....
Besides that, I also...
Besides all of this, I FINALLY had the money to buy myself a new camera. His name is Troye. I was able to do a photoshoot recently of my friend Cassie to get some practice with it. And the shots turned out beautiful! It was so much fun exploring this abandoned church. Her shirt matched the pews! It was completely unexpected and unplanned. But it all worked out beautifully. I recently also took pictures at a formal event my church was having. I got some beautiful shots, I must say. So that was the 2nd time I got to use Troye. The biggest thing I've done this year is... I quit my job as an extended care preschool teacher. I love working with children. But the schedule I had was not allowing me to do the things I love. And there wasn't a better schedule to take. So I knew I needed something different. Something that would allow me more time to work on things for clients, but also give me more opportunities to meet with clients. Instead of telling Clients that we can meet in the morning or at night, this will allow me to give them a LOT more options. And I'm very excited about this. It was very hard to walk away from these precious souls that I have taken care of and loved. But I have felt peace through it all. And I'm thankful God has helped me through this transition. I felt like I've waited so long for this moment, and it's finally here. I took my time as I clocked out for the very... last... time. I stood and looked at the room I've worked in for the past 2 years. The lights out and nothing but the sunlight shining in the room through the window. I reminisced at all the sweet, funny memories I had witnessed. All the children that my heart had fallen for. And thought about all the rough things I had faced, and all the stress I had endured. And how it made me stronger and bolder and tougher. It made me see that I can handle more than I know. But only because I leaned on God to get me through, day after day after day. I left that room grateful for everything I had learned and everything I had experienced. And almost in disbelief that it was all over. That I finally reached the end of this chapter and am now starting a new chapter. I told my co-worker/friend that it didn't seem to sink in that I wouldn't be seeing these sweet, little faces anymore. It didn't feel real. And while I will miss them, I am very excited to do something new. And create a life that I really want for myself. I have a lot planned for my website and businesses that I want to do. And I will start executing these ideas over the next month or so. I'm so excited to put more time into my website. It needs some TLC. I'm so excited for the things that are to come. I'm hoping they are good things. Thank you to all for visiting. -LM Well, I tried. It was catchy. Sort of. And by "April hours" I mean all the hours I've spent in April (and March) working on projects. I've been so busy spending "hours" on other people's projects, I had no time for my own. The "May Powers" was my way of saying, good stuff is to come in May. Hopefully I'll get to show off my super "powers". And by that I mean, stuff I've been making & working on. When I last wrote, I know I said I was going to try and update the blog once a month. I forgot too last month. (I was VERY busy.) And this month I haven't even touched my site. So updating the blog was the last thing on my mind. But here I am, at the end of April. Better late than never, eh? And while I'm here, let me tell you about some new stuff. Featured video of the month.... Now introducing a NEW section to the Home Page. "Featured Video of the Month." YES! I recently made a Blooper video to the short film "When December Comes". Took me 4 years to get to it. But I finally made it. Me and my older brother (who stars in it) watched it together. We were on the phone and watching it at the same time, commenting on how funny it was and how much fun we had filming it. After watching the bloopers, we decided to go back and watch the real film. We loved it! We were laughing and awing and were both impressed with the sound and visual effects. However, I was disappointed when I saw it only had 11 views. 11 views. ELEVEN! That's just sad. After all my hard work on this video. From the music to matching the sound effects with our movements. From the visual effects to panning and zooming in and out to create the illusion of movement; this was serious work. Even if it was for comedy's sake. And after all this hard work, I have 11 views. It was disappointing to both me and my brother. So I came up with the idea to feature it on the home page. To see if I could get it a little more attention. And I thought, this would be a great way to get my other videos some attention. Maybe an older one that's tucked away and hard to find. It's easy for my newer ones to get attention. It's the first thing you see. But the others that you have to dig for, they may get over looked. Which is sad, since some of my favorites are the older videos. This way however. I can bring those to the front and let them shine! Giving older videos a chance to be noticed again. Let them have their moment in the spot light. So this is a new addition I'm really excited to have on the site. So be sure to check that out every month. Prom pictures This month, the only work I did as far as photography or videography goes, was I did Prom pictures. And they turned out fabulous! (I think.) It was a race against the rain. But it finally stopped raining and we were able to relax a bit and take our time with the poses. I'll be posting those soon. Wedding Film - "Always & Forever" I FINALLY finished a wedding movie for my dear friend Sydni McAllister. Through a series of events, it delayed the project. It only took me 2-3 weeks to make her wedding film. But it took a whole year to get to work on it. Her wedding was March 11th, 2017. It was finished a few weeks before their anniversary. I worked on it some here and there throughout the year. But the most work was in these past few months. This has been such a huge project for me. It's been a 14 month long journey. And honestly, I've loved it. I have appreciated the opportunity to make a wedding movie. And to make it for my good friend Sydni, at that. But also to make the other things that come with that.
At this point, I'm in the process of mailing them out. I mailed Sydni her DVD, as well as some CD's with pictures I took from her rehearsal day and wedding day. I also sent her the soundtrack, all in one package. I then mailed her a surprise poster that has her and Michael's vows on it. I can't wait for her to get it and see her reaction. I also mailed out a DVD to Josh Vest. My friend who filmed along side me. The whole thing was his idea. I just made it happen. But it was a privilege to get to work with him. I'm grateful he trusted me with his footage. I hope he likes overall what I did with his work and how I blended my footage with his. Graphics, websites & a lot of work Over all, this month I've been working on people's websites, and making graphics for different events. I've baby sat at the beginning of this month. And later this week will house-sit for a couple. April has been very eventful for me. Even though I only did 1 photoshoot, I've still had lots of other work I've been doing. But I am grateful for the break. It's allowed me to catch up on other projects. New videos to come... As I mentioned earlier, I made a new blooper video. Since I'm in the absence of not having anyone booked, I decided to use this time to catch up on my own personal projects. As well as work on projects that need to be done for other clients. So I'm going to try to make as many videos as I possibly can. Including some for my younger brother & I's youtube channel: "Playtime with I/C" which will be soon changed to "I/C Videos". It was my idea to give it a new name. This new name will be revealed in our Season 2 videos, along with a new logo and title sequence. The logo is going to have an "icy" look to it. I drew a quick draft for my brother and he totally loved it. In conclusion.... I'm staying busy. I'm working and I have content on the way for you. I just need some time for myself to add all this content to my site. Hopefully, I can make that happen soon.
If you read ALL of this, or scanned through it.... Thank you. I appreciate you taking the time to read this. Have a wonderful week. -LM merry Christmas from ladymusicc!! So since I last updated, I have done 3 big photoshoots and 2 small ones. I have some people who are interested in booking me after the new year. And possibly one that's a part of a fundraiser. (That will be in February.) These past few weeks have been completely crazy busy. I have not worked on my website any. But I am working behind the scenes. I just haven't been able to work on my site much. But I'm getting a 3 weeks break for Christmas/New Year. So I'm hoping to be very productive during that time and get some projects done. After the Christmas rush is over with, I hope to upload all my Clientele photography (especially the newest photoshoots I've done) and to get the videos section up and running. In other news..... valentine's/February bookings coming soon!! I'm going to start opening up more of my services after the first of the year. I didn't want to open up too much during the Holiday season, knowing how busy I already was and expecting to be even more busy. (which was completely accurate) But after things calm down a bit and a somewhat NORMAL routine kicks in, I'll be opening up both my photography AND videography services. So be looking for that. Other than that, there's nothing new to report. Except the fact that I'm 2 weeks away from being done with my 365 photography challenge. And I am SO happy. It really is a challenge to take a picture every day for the entire year!! And I'm so happy that it's almost done. During the process tho, I have got some really good shots. And fallen even more so in love with black and white photography. But I am still happy to complete the challenge and be done with it!! thank you for checking in on the site's updates. |
LadymusiccThey call me "Lady", my name's Corinne |